Thursday, May 23, 2019

More information about what the course we are getting online was like.

The Live 19 week Course Catalog: for 2006:

The DVD Course:

Herbal Theraputics and
Constitutional Evaluation
Materia Medica
Each organ system of the body is dealt with in physiologic terms, therapeutic and treatment methods, and constitutional aspects. The specific tonic herbs for each organ system or stress type are presented and explored in depth. The Constitutional Workbook and school manuals, patient record forms, work sheets and intake forms are supplied, as well as specific reference material referred to in the lectures . There are 140 hours of lectures and 12 Lessons. Most lessons contain 6 DVDs of filmed classwork...11-12 hours of classes...along with a quiz for each lesson. The quiz is as much an indication of what’s important as it is a test, and is meant to be completed while viewing the open DVD test.  Quiz answers can be easily checked on line when you are ready.
Cost:  $1,200 for the entire course or $100 per lesson  
Michael's lectures cover the botanical nature of the plants, their habitat, distribution, constituents, what they should look and taste like in commerce, how to grow or gather them, parts used, preferred form of preparation and dosages, therapeutic uses and their stature as remedies. Lectures may be 90 minutes for the Echinaceas, 15 minutes for the Verbenas, 5 minutes for Condurango Root. Video is interspersed with film clips, photographs, distribution maps, etc. (the same way Michael lectured). The number of DVDs is 58 and adjunct CDs is 5. The video lessons  add up to 115 hours, the audio portions covering  secondary plants total about 100 hours. There are 10 lesson sections. Each lesson has a plant guide that outlines preparations, formulas they are commonly used within, and formula preparation methods.  
Cost: $1,000 for the entire course or $100 per lesson

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Managing the Plant Picture/image Files in Part 3 download.

Image by Werner Weisser from Pixabay 

Part 3 download of class materials contains a very large Number of subdirectories, one for each Plant name.

Easy management, access, previews, editing meta-data, etc of these files is an important issue to help make the Free course most useful.

One of my goals is to have all added help applications or software within the main course download directory tree and also portable. So the whole project can be put on a USB memory stick and run on any computer.

I also wanted the Photo management program to only access the course photos and not the rest of the photos or images on the PC.

So using the link in the blog below, download the portable version Zip file. Place in your Part 3 Directory where you downloaded the Part 3 .rar file and unzipped it. Unzip the Faststone SW. and run it there. You will want to point the SW to the Herbal-Plant Images subdirectory in your Part 3 Directory. And then you are al set for easy viewing, editing, etc.

The Materia Medica's Video's Index

Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay 

As I get time, I will add titles and length of Videos here, after I download them:

This will be updated from time to time.

Lesson 1)
















Image may contain: plant, outdoor, nature and water

Michael Roland Shaw Moore, the founder of the South West School of Botanical Medicine, left the Herbalist World a great gift. Years of his wisdom research and teachings at the S.W.S.o.B.M. free to study online or download.
Here we come together to use this great gift for our selves and Humanity.

This blog will be how we share Mr. Moore's work with our other Facebook groups.
And where we share other useful materials for our Studies group.

Site Disclaimer: For educational purposes only. This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


Our Facebook Study Group of his courses:
Students of 'Michael Roland Shaw Moore's Herbal Works.


And if you are not a member of any of our Facebook efforts, here are some links to a few of our Facebook 'Share & Study' Groups.

Druid's Guide to Herbalism.

Students of 'Michael Roland Shaw Moore's Herbal Works

Yggdrasil Pagan Researchers Room

How to be a Druid Grove

And out small center: The Cosmic Salamander, Inc.

Our other Herbal Blogs:


And if you are not a member of any of our Facebook efforts, here are some links to a few of our Facebook 'Share & Study' Groups.

Druid's Guide to Herbalism.

Students of 'Michael Roland Shaw Moore's Herbal Works

Yggdrasil Pagan Researchers Room

How to be a Druid Grove

And out small center: The Cosmic Salamander, Inc.

Our other Herbal Blogs:

Site Disclaimer: For educational purposes only. This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.